- Download from https://www.enterprisedb.com/downloads/postgres-postgresql-downloads and install on your server
- Navigate to
<installation directory>/PostgreSQL/16/data
and open "postgresql.conf" and "pg_hba.conf" files in a text editor - In "postgresql.conf, ensure that:
listen_addresses = '*'
(or your IP range, as long as it doesn't say "localhost")port = 5432
- In "pg_hba.conf, ensure the following line is added to the bottom of the file
host all all all scram-sha-256
(or more specific DB/user/IP instead of "all")
- Open start menu > Services and find "postgresql-x64-16 PostgreSQL Server 16" and restart the service
- Open Windows Defender Firewall > Advanced settings > Inbound rules and add a new rule for port 5432
- Ensure any other firewalls also allow this port (e.g. AWS security group inbound rule)