FluentValidation exception after NotNull check
FluentValidation includes a NotNull() extension to catch null objects, however subsequent rules for properties on that object will continue to execute, and will throw a NullReferenceException.
FluentValidation includes a NotNull() extension to catch null objects, however subsequent rules for properties on that object will continue to execute, and will throw a NullReferenceException.
Connect to a local SQL Server instance running in a Docker container during development using MSSMS.
You may encounter this issue when running a Docker Compose project in Visual Studio. In my case, it related to missing globalisation packages. This snippet explains how to identify the full error details, and resolve the globalisation issue for your Docker container.
Cache frequently-accessed data in memory to avoid expensive procedures using .NET MemoryCache.
A query which returns the number of records created on each day, ordered by the highest first.
Query numbers of records created by month in SQL Server
Powershell script which loops through all the files in a specified directory recursively and removes the "a" (Archive) attribute.
Add unit tests to verify your class validators are behaving as they should.
Extending classes in SCSS in adherence to the "at-extend-no-missing-placeholder" linting rule.
Write and test an extension method to handle custom ordering on an IOrderedQueryable, based on a pre-defined ordering rule using enum values.
Add data to a new table column based on data from another table with MSSQL Server.
Retrieve data from multiple locations and stream it into memory for upload to an AWS S3 bucket.
Fix for when Azure functions throw an error at runtime.
The .NET framework default limits file uploads to 128mb. For anything larger than this, you need to increase the value in configuration.
Check for keys in a dictionary, and retrieve specific values.
Define a method signature and return value for a tuple containing two or more values, and implement the values in calling code.
With an existing database, you may occasionally need to extract sections of the table schema, or full data sets - both of which can be done using SQL Server Management Studio.
Validate an optional date field which requires on the month and day values using express-validator rules.
Fix a sidebar to the viewport when scrolling. When the header moves out of the viewport, fix the sidebar to the top of the viewport, then revert when the header comes back to view
When using DateTime.Now or DateTime.UtcNow comparisons in tests, you'll likely encounter failures caused by these values differing by a few milliseconds due to the code being processed at different times. Use this overload to include a permitted margin of error.
When your usual method of accessing environment variables doesn't work because you're using Vite.
Easily load images defined in MediaPicker property editors into your MVC views.
Configure a PostgreSQL server for remote connections on your Windows server.
Typical DNS records you might have configured on your domain registrar for a typical website. Including NS, SOA, A, CNAME, MX and TXT records.
Troubleshoot this common Moq error message encountered when writing tests using MockBehavior.Strict.
If you've ever tried running a web app locally and it's failed to start because the specified port was in use, this will help you identify the application using it, and get around it.
Handle CORS between client and server apps using appropriate HTTP headers.
If you've got a directory full of documents, music etc. which needs to be quickly summarised into a list of file names. Functions recursively to display items in a directory tree format.
Resolve build issues which may occur from NuGet packages when upgrading project framework.
Remove files from source control and ignore future changes so that they stop being tracked.
Handling files in Windows or Git where the path and file name exceed the maximum default length.